Tuesday 7 February 2017

How to Promote your Crowdfunding Campaign

You may have a great crowdfunding idea or story, but if people are not aware of it, then your campaign may fail to reach the goal. So knowing how to promote your crowdfunding campaign is the main task for running a crowdfunding campaign. Many startups run crowdfunding campaign, but the majority of the campaign becomes unsuccessful. As crowdfunding may seem simple, but the fact is more than 60% of the campaign fails to reach their goals.

Marketing is the key to unlock the door to fund your campaign. So if you’re planning to run a crowdfunding campaign, then make sure to spend plenty of time planning how you’ll market your campaign. In order to run a successful campaign, start planning at least 2 months before the campaign goes live and you must know how to market it. Here are some easy to follow tips that can help your campaign a success.

·         Website

Having a website is important before launching a crowdfunding campaign. The website will be the first impression, and it should be an invitation to your crowdfunding campaign. Having a website validates that you are a legitimate company and that will help you gain more supporters to your campaign. The website should have the basics of who you are and what you do. The website will also notify regarding your upcoming crowdfunding campaign and you may also get early supporters from the website. Also include your social media links to your website as social media is one of the powerful components for a crowdfunding campaign.

·         Social Media

Social Media is one of the easiest and free ways to promote your crowdfunding campaign. Social media will help you to reach more people and spread the word about your campaign. At first, increasing social media followers can be difficult, but if you follow relevant pages and people, as well as interact with the community, your page will be visible in no time. The more people who you can reach, the better chance of success you have.

Share about your campaign every day through image, text or link. People have liked or follow your page as they are interested in what you are doing. And in order to attract more people to your campaign, you must be a part of social communities. Posting on social media doesn’t mean each time you post; you’re asking people to pledge your campaign. Only one of your four posts, you should directly ask for help or pledge and the remaining post should look at more meaningful things. If you continually ask people for help, then they will get bored and finally they will leave your page.

·         Email

In crowdfunding campaigns, social media tends to get all the attention as it helps in getting more exposure to your campaign. However, email marketing can be an even more effective tool for getting contributors when used correctly. More than 30% of your initial donations will come from people you know. That is why it is important to have a strong network before launching a crowdfunding campaign. You must try to have at least 2000 contacts before you go launch and also ask your friends to share the same with their contacts. While sending mail, also include a link to share your campaign. If anyone can’t donate or pledge your campaign, then they can also help by just sharing the campaign.

·         Public Relation & Outreach

The widespread use of social media and email marketing doesn’t mean that public relations and outreach has gone out of style. Before launching a crowdfunding campaign, build a list of bloggers who are dominant with your target audience. The crowdfunding success highly depends on your ability to reach people. Crowdfunding outreach starts with a simple pitch introducing about your campaign and asking help to share or advice of your campaign.
Public Relation (PR) is all about getting media and press coverage for your crowdfunding campaign. If your campaign is picked by the press, then you can get your campaign in various media outlets such as magazines, blogs, newspapers, etc. It is not easy, but if you do it right then your crowdfunding campaign will be in front of thousands, or even millions of people at no cost.

·         Advertising

Small and targeted paid advertising campaigns can be a great way to get more exposure of your campaign into networks that are outside of your reach. Some of the main paid advertising includes Google Ads, Facebook or Twitter ads, etc. The Paid marketing opens the door to reach thousands or millions of people across the internet. However, Google Ads can be very expensive. Facebook ads are a great option if your campaign is targeting consumers, and the social channels allow you to target your best prospects using keywords, geography, gender and other socio-graphics.

To know more about crowdfunding campaigns, visit http://bit.ly/2jWwkoH 

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