Friday 10 February 2017

The One Thing, No Crowdfunding Campaign can Succeed Without

Crowdfunding has become an increasingly popular over the last several years for both investors and entrepreneurs. The fact is, in just a few years, crowdfunding has already proven itself to be a successful alternative in acquiring or investing money. More than hundreds of campaigns were launched every day, whether its reward based or equity crowdfunding. The reward based (pre sale) campaigns on Kickstarter and Indiegogo had pledged over $3.8 billion dollars and many millions more via equity crowdfunding. The crowdfunding projects ranges from everything from technology, music, art, design, clothing, and many more.

Marketing is the key to unlock the door of success of your crowdfunding campaign. There are several marketing channels that include press release, media outreach, email marketing, influencer marketing, and lots more. All these marketing techniques are quite effective in bringing a campaign successful, but the one that beats them all in terms of effectiveness and the one thing that no crowdfunding campaign can succeed without, is the social media.

Most of the crowdfunders use social media platforms to spread about their crowdfunding campaign. Social media is one of the easiest ways to promote and spread your crowdfunding campaign. Social media is crucial to the success of a crowdfunding campaign as it helps a campaign to go viral. One of the key strengths of crowdfunding campaign is its ability to leverage the power of social media to build widespread support for the project. While planning for running a crowdfunding campaign, make sure to focus on the social channels that will provide the most impact. There are so many social channels, but some of the main channels were Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, YouTube, Google+ and LinkedIn.

To be successful in crowdfunding campaign, the effective use of social media is critical. But the successful crowdfunding campaign through social channels requires planning, determination and dedication. The using of social media for crowdfunding starts months before the campaign goes live and building more followers before launching is quite more important. Social profiles should be up to date and among the various channels, two major channels are Facebook and Twitter.

Facebook and Twitter are the main channels for getting more exposure of your campaign. And in order to get more exposure, posts need to be frequent. While making posts, make sure to include links, photos, videos, and updates to your campaign. Posting on social media doesn’t mean each time you post; you’re asking people to pledge your campaign. Only one of your four posts, you should directly ask for a pledge or help and the remaining post should look at more meaningful things like campaign update, people reviews, etc. If you continually ask people for help, then they will get bored and finally they will leave your page. You can also run Facebook or Twitter ads for more exposure if you are not satisfied with the organic visits.

Interaction is the key to successful social media engagement. It is important to keep a good interaction with your followers, not by just telling or updating what’s going on, but also to talk directly and to respond them as quickly as possible. Even if your campaign ends, if your campaign was a success, then stay in touch by highlighting the progress of production. And if your campaign fails, then thank your followers for their support and also keep updated as it will help you if you are planning to run a campaign in the future. 

For more tips on crowdfunding campaign, check

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