Wednesday 1 February 2017

Few Things To Do Before Launching a Crowdfunding Campaign

If you have a great business idea or deal and you finally decided to make it a reality. However, the main obstacle you need to overcome is to find funds that you need to get your idea into reality. Many startups and businesses have raised their funds through Crowdfunding to start their business. The crowdfunding help individuals make their ideas a reality with the help of thousands or millions of potential funders around the world. But, the success in crowdfunding campaign isn’t guaranteed, no matter how good your business idea.

Launching a crowdfunding campaign is not an easy task, as you will face many struggles to push towards your funding goal. There will be many challenges while running the crowdfunding campaign. If you are planning to raise money for your business through a crowdfunding campaign, there are some key steps you need to take before you launch the campaign.
1) Landing Page or Website
It is important to consider a landing page or website design before launching a crowdfunding campaign. But having a company’s website is just a recommendation, not crucial. Having a website validates that you are a legitimate company and that will help you gain more supporters to your crowdfunding campaign. A landing page gives more information about you and your company. The website will notify about your upcoming campaign and you may also get early supporters from the website. And you may also able to explore about your product before the campaign launch, which may help attract more people when the campaign is launched.
2) Planning is critical
Planning is important before proceeding for any work or activity. Before launching a crowdfunding campaign, you need to research and have a look at similar campaigns on different platforms. It will help you to get a feel for how to position your own campaign. Your goal should be the lowest amount you need to bring your project to fruition.
3) Teamwork goes a long way
It’s tough to manage a crowdfunding campaign by yourself. According to research, crowdfunding campaigns run by a team raise over 3 times as much as campaigns run by an individual. No matter what idea you want to fund, big or small, working with a team gives you the opportunity to multiply your network, divide and conquer tasks, focus on your areas of expertise and make your campaign the strongest it can be. No matter how good your idea and planning is, working with a team will give you the opportunity to multiply your reach, divide and conquer tasks, help you reach the target audience and make your campaign the strongest it can be.Getting more exposure and community involvement is one of the main task to make the campaign successful.
4) Social Media Accounts
Social media is an important task for running a crowdfunding campaign. It helps to reach more people and spread the word about your campaign and also reach out to potential backers. The platform that you choose to create accounts for your crowdfunding campaign will depend on the target market of your product or service, as well as the relevancy of the platform.
Increasing social media followers can be difficult at first, but if you follow relevant pages and people, as well as interact with the community on trending topics, your page will be visible in no time. The more people who you can reach, the better chance of success you have.
5) Video & Graphics (Campaign Presentation)
Once your planning is done, your team is set, your database is built, your social media is created, and it’s time to turn your attention towards campaign presentation. The campaign presentation will make or break the success of your campaign.
Crowdfunding campaign is all about your story and graphics presentations. In traditional websites, people more focus on products, but in crowdfunding campaign, people want to know how you turned your idea into reality and why you need their support. Make sure your story is clear, direct and compelling. Most of the successful campaign uses pitch videos, infographics, and high quality graphics to make the campaign more attractive.
6) Perks
According to research and analysis, perks helps increase the chances of campaign success. So spend time in creating a variety of perks to suit every budget and potential backers and that offers real value of your product. While creating perks, don’t forget to introduce early bird offer which is a great way to build momentum. There are many reasons for people to support a crowdfunding campaign, but a good reward often perk up the traffic of backers. 
To know more about crowdfunding, check .

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